Prescription Discount Card
A collection of affordable programs and insurance benefits with preferred pricing, designed to offer wellness solutions to meet the needs of employers of all sizes within our community.
Better Technology & Better Cost Outcomes for Patients & Pharmacies
Scriptcycle specializes in managing prescription programs to benefit patients, pharmacies, PBM’s and the communities they serve.
The FREE Prescription Discount card will help your employees save money on the cash price of your prescriptions!
Take your new Scriptcost Pharmacy Savings Card to your local pharmacy to begin saving money on your prescriptions.
This card could help you if you are……
Uninsured and do not have access to a Health Benefit Plan
Are a Part-Time Employee, or you do not have insurance
Are insured with a Prescription Benefit Plan with High Out-of-Pocket Expenses, or a High Deductible Health Plan
A prescription drug search engine. Unlike others, Scriptcost uses live data from their network of pharmacies to price accurately.